AGOGFX is usually involved in development before a project is green-lit, to ensure a proposal is both creative and pragmatic. The company advises and collaborates at all levels, initially with learning directors and department heads, then designers, makers and production and finally with technical and event personnel.
AGOGFX is used to managing short lead times and high burn rates, and responds positively to reconfiguration of goals to achieve best value. Our work usually runs like this:
1) Given a script or plan, we assess it for options to add value
2) We submit a discussion document outlining builds and treatments
3) Location meeting with stakeholders to discuss practicalities
4) We submit an outline budget reflecting material requirements, personnel, logistics and timings
5) Through discussion, commitments agreeable to all parties are set and formally contracted
6) We begin design, build, procurement and production of equipment, rigs, pyro and devices whilst developing associated paperwork, third party contracts, insurance, risk assessments
7) We manage the logistics of moving equipment and effects materials to locations, shipping internationally and hauling across country borders, then returning to the UK